Ff7r intermission dog
Ff7r intermission dog

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Not to mention that some of the later duels can prove to be quite difficult, and building a deck that can counter some of their strategies is immensely satisfying.īeyond Fort Condor, there’s also a very fun and very challenging box-destruction minigame that puts your skills with Yuffie’s shuriken to the test, a new summon to battle in Ramuh, a number of combat simulations that are unlocked upon beating the story and provide further incentive to continue leveling up Yuffie and Sonon, and a hard difficulty mode that is also unlocked upon completion.

ff7r intermission dog

It also provides Yuffie with an excuse to interact with returning side characters, which is always fun to watch. It’s not the deepest game in the world, but it’s fun building up your deck by finding new boards out in the main game, and buying new cards with the currency you earn from winning matches.

ff7r intermission dog

Your ATB meter slowly fills as the match goes on – since cards each have their own ATB cost, you have to consider whether you want to put down a weaker card immediately, or take the risk of waiting until you’re able to afford a more powerful card that may be able to stay on the field longer. You face off against an opponent and use cards to summon units on the map which move forward as they attempt to destroy the opposing team’s Condor tower at the other end of the field. Intermission’s version of Fort Condor instead plays out like a dueling deck-building card game. First off, there’s Fort Condor, which has its origins from the original FF7 as a kind of defense minigame where you had to place units on a hill to stop enemies before they reached the top, at which point you’d have to fight them. The main story of Intermission is pretty short and can be completed in about four hours, but if you rushed through it at that pace you’d really be doing yourself a disservice because the side activities are a cut above your average side quests. All of this adds up to what essentially feels like a Platinum Games character dropped into Final Fantasy 7 Remake, and it leads to some of the most fun and challenging combat encounters in the entire game.

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Read the full Final Fantasy 7 Remake reviewĪs if all of that isn’t enough, Yuffie can also elementally charge her ninjutsu to target weaknesses without having to dip into her MP supply, she can almost completely negate damage from any target with an expertly timed block, and she can use a special dodge to restore her ATB if timed correctly. That leaves this remake as one that still delivered on letting me relive (part of) a classic in stupendous fashion, while also standing as a great RPG all its own. The boring RPG filler and Kingdom Hearts-esque convolution that was inserted in between did stop my ear-to-ear grin from being constant, but never long enough to kill the mood completely. Its combat is top notch, its enemy variety kept me constantly entertained, and seeing this snippet of story fleshed out with real emotional arcs and the previously hidden humanity behind Midgar filled me with pure joy. The expectations around Final Fantasy 7 Remake are sky high, and it mostly manages to deliver.

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From there you can press triangle again to zip to wherever the shuriken is lodged and continue the up-close assault. At any point you can press triangle to throw her shuriken, which changes all of her basic attacks to ranged ninjutsu.

ff7r intermission dog

To start, she’s got her shuriken, which can be used with basic attacks to do a quick combo that has her darting in and out, and performing air combos just by mashing the attack button. Rock You Like a Shurikenįinal Fantasy 7 Remake ripped the original from its turn-based JRPG roots and basically transformed it into a full-on action game, and with Intermission, Yuffie’s high-speed, hyper mobility-focused combat style takes that transformation even further. It helps too that the performances across the board are outstanding, and maintain the high level of quality that the main game establishes. There’s a really great chemistry between them, and despite not getting more than two chapters to develop it, a real bond forms between the two of them in time to make the emotional high points of the story especially resonant.

ff7r intermission dog

Balancing out Yuffie’s loud and boisterous personality is the much more soft-spoken and level-headed Sonon, a new character who serves as Yuffie’s partner in their undercover operation to steal Midgar’s secret materia.

Ff7r intermission dog